Dear All
As many of you may already know, VNEB Development and Transport
Action Group (DATA for short) was formed at the end of last year to
provide an umbrella group for all residents who may be affected by the
Vauxhall Nine Elms Battersea developments. Members of DATA are all from
local organisations including Kennington Association, Vauxhall Society,
Viva Vauxhall and Lansdowne Gardens Residents Association, and DATA is
keen to ensure that all residents organisations in SE11 and SW8 are aware of our existence.
Accordingly, I enclose our first Newsletter, and I would be
grateful if you could circulate it around your organisation, so that as
many people as possible become aware of the issues we are covering.
Four of us from DATA (Ross Davies and Malcolm Russell from Vauxhall
Society and David Boardman and myself from Kennington Association
Planning Forum) have already met with Transport for London to discuss
transport issues relating to VNEB, including funding and financing of
the proposed Northern Line Extension, timescales and alternative
transport strategies. These discussions are ongoing, and we are also
scheduled to meet with them concerning the Vauxhall gyratory.
It is also timely to remind everyone about Lambeth Council's Open
Days about the Vauxhall Area Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on
Wednesday and Thursday of this week from 3pm to 8pm at Unit 13A, St
Georges Wharf, Vauxhall, SW8 2LL. Please try to encourage people to go
to this.
As our Newsletter says, DATA welcomes ideas and feedback on the
proposed NLE and related issues via residents' groups or community
associations, and we look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free
to contact any one of us (Andrea Hofling, Brian Vos, Colin McCall, David
Boardman, Malcolm Green, Malcolm Russell, Ross Davies and me).
Rodney Ovenden

Rodney Ovenden
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