Saturday, 29 November 2008

Update: KA and Local Planning Matters

KA and Local Planning Matters

Elizabeth Scott and Jennifer Lanier report on behalf of the KA Planning Sub-Group:

Surrey County Cricket Club – Brit Oval

The KA attended the October Inquiry where our statement of support was presented. Items of concern raised at the Inquiry were public safety due to the neighboring gas works; and the impact of the proposed hotel on the neighborhood. A copy of the Appointed Inspector's report will be sent to the KA in January 2009.
Beefeater Gin
Desmond Payne of Beefeater Gin invited KA to review their proposal to create a visitor centre. KA was overall supportive of Beefeater's proposal.
81 Black Prince Road and 143-161 Wandsworth Road
Both of these proposals are to convert a redundant office building into primarily high-rise residential buildings. KA met with both sets of developers and is not supporting either of these projects, as they do not meet the housing requirements for the locality.

216 Kennington Road

We have been alerted by residents of 216 Kennington Road (previously the Bingo Hall) to a possible change in use of a portion of the ground floor from community use to retail. After Lambeth Council was alerted by the residents it was determined that this change will not go through as conditions were not met.
Vauxhall Supplementary Planning Document
KA is examining Lambeth's proposal for "A New Heart for Vauxhall", officially known as the Vauxhall Supplementary Planning Document. We are in dialogue with Lambeth regarding this proposal for redevelopment of Vauxhall.

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