Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Have your say on a new blueprint for Waterloo and Vauxhall

Have your say on a new blueprint for Waterloo and Vauxhall

24 October 2008

Lambeth Council's planning division is working on two documents that will form the blueprint for the future development of Waterloo and Vauxhall. Discussions have already taken place with local organisations, residents and voluntary groups and the doors are now wide open - for six weeks - for all comers to have a say on what they think about the draft plans.

Both Waterloo and Vauxhall are bustling London hubs with ample opportunities for the development of good quality open spaces that give greater priority to pedestrians. They have excellent potential for developing a range of top quality landmark and sustainable buildings with a range of uses ideal for central London - including cultural, leisure, and community facilities.

The final documents will provide planning guidance for developers, informing them of how the council expects the areas to develop over the next ten years. They can then use these documents to consider individual planning proposals in respect of the wider area, not just on an individual basis.

The six week consultation period for Waterloo takes place from October 27 to December 5, and for Vauxhall it takes place from November 3 through to December 15.

Summary documents and a full copy of the draft planning papers can be found on-line by visiting www.lambeth.gov.uk/planning. Residents and local businesses interested in registering their views, can fill out the on-line survey, email planningimplementation@lambeth.gov.uk or pick up a consultation document from their local library or the Town Planning Advice Centre at Phoenix House, 10 Wandsworth Road, London SW8 2LL. Responses should be returned to the Implementation Team, at the same address.

Councillor Lib Peck, cabinet member for housing and regeneration said: "Both Vauxhall and Waterloo have huge regeneration potential and we want to know what's important to residents and businesses. Their opinions and views will help us decide how the blueprint document guiding the future development of these areas is shaped, and what things should be a priority."